Version 0.7, 15 February 2006, Rodney Dawes.
Remove the wallpaper-* icon names
Align text blocks to the left
Add "weather-few-clouds-night" and "weather-clear-night" to the status context
Remove "network-online" from the status context
Add "network-idle", "network-receive", "network-transmit", and "network-transmit-receive" to the status context
Update the printer status icon definitions
Version 0.6, 07 December 2005, Rodney Dawes.
Add the "Animations" and "Places" contexts
Add "media-eject" to the actions context
Move "media-playlist-shuffle" to the status context
Add the "process-working" animation to the animations context
Add "battery", "camera-photo", "media-floppy", "multimedia-player", "network-wired", and "network-wireless" to the devices context
Remove the printer-remote and video-card icons from devices
Rename "emblem-favorites" to "emblem-favorite"
Add "application-x-executable", "package-x-generic", "text-x-generic-template", and "text-x-script" to the mimetypes context
Rename "x-directory-normal" to "folder" and move it to the places context
Rename "x-directory-remote" to "folder-remote" and move it to the places context
Rename "x-directory-normal-remote-server" to "network-server" and move it to the places context
Rename "x-directory-normal-remote-workgroup" to "network-workgroup" and move it to the places context
Rename "x-directory-trash" to "user-trash" and move it to the places context
Rename "x-directory-trash-full" to "user-trash-full" and move it to the status context
Add "start-here", "user-desktop", and "user-home" to the places context
Add "folder-drag-accept", "folder-open", "folder-visiting", and "media-playlist-repeat" to the status context
Version 0.4, 10 October 2005, Rodney Dawes.
Use "The icon" instead of "This icon" for "contact-new" and "battery-low"
Add icons for "preferences-desktop-accessibility" and "preferences-desktop-font" in the apps context
Fix typo in "drive-cdrom" name
Rename "x-font-generic" to "font-x-generic" to match other MIME type icons such as for audio, images, and video
Add icons for "image-loading" and "image-missing" to status
Version 0.3, 28 June 2005, Rodney Dawes.
Replace "printer-local" with "printer" to be more generic.
Import into cvs alongside icon-theme-spec.xml
Add missing icon descriptions.
Version 0.2, 01 April 2005, Jakub Steiner.
Fixed two small typographical errors.
Version 0.1, 29 March 2005, Rodney Dawes.
Created initial draft.