EI Protocol documentation

libei is a library for Emulated Input, primarily aimed at the Wayland stack. It uses a typical client/server separation, with the two parts connected via a UNIX socket. In libei parlance, the client-side is called “EI client”, the server side, typically a Wayland compositor, is called the “EIS Implementation” (Emulated Input Server). These terms are used throughout this documentation.

This documentation details the protocol to communicate between the client side and the EIS implementation.

A typical Compositor setup using the libei and libeis C libraries looks like this:

flowchart LR;
    libwayland-server --> c1
    libwayland-server --> c2
    /dev/input/event0 ---> libinput
    /dev/input/event1 ---> libinput
    libei -.-> libeis
    libinput --> inputstack
    inputstack --> libwayland-server
    libeis -.-> inputstack
    subgraph Kernel
    subgraph Wayland Compositor
      inputstack[input stack]
    subgraph EI client
    subgraph Wayland client A
    subgraph Wayland client B

Note how the EI client is roughly equivalent to a physical input device coming from the kernel and its events feed into the normal input stack. However, the events are distinguishable inside the compositor to allow for fine-grained access control on which events may be emulated and when emulation is permitted.

Events from the EIS implementation would usually feed into the input stack in the same way as input events from physical devices. To Wayland clients, they are indistinguishable from real devices.

The EI client may be a Wayland client itself.

EI Protocol

The ei protocol is a public protocol that may be used directly by clients or EIS implementations. This documentation describes the protocol, its interfaces and how to generate language bindings.

If you are looking for easy-to-use C libraries instead, see:

  • 🥚 libei for the client side
  • 🍦 libeis for the EIS implementation side
  • 🚌 liboeffis is an helper library for DBus communication with the XDG RemoteDesktop portal (liboeffis)
